According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, less than five percent of roughly 27,000 eligible radiologists in the U.S. will have attested for radiology Meaningful Use by the end of 2012. Even accounting for unexpected attestations, it is clear that many radiologists have delayed adoption of Meaningful Use measures.
Although as specialists they may qualify for a five-year exemption from Medicaid and Medicare penalties, radiologists may also postpone implementation because compliance seems so complicated. What’s the difference between a core measure and a menu set? How am I supposed to get patient immunization data? Will I have to purchase a whole new EHR?
eRAD is able to simplify Meaningful Use attestation for radiologists because we know radiology. As our customers move through Stage One—we have more than 60 radiologists attested—and prepare for the stricter requirements of Stage Two, they discover that a radiology-centric vendor provides the insight they need. eRAD understands how to help radiologists navigate the regulations—not only what you have to do but what you don’t have to do. If you qualify for incentive payments without overhauling your workflow, then you save more time and money.
eRAD works with hospital-based radiologists, teleradiologists and outpatient radiologists to develop a document of understanding that reflects their particular needs and shows how to use RIS for Meaningful Use. You’ll get clarity on how (and whether) each measure applies to your practice, as well as how to fold that measure into an existing workflow. Our aim is to implement Meaningful Use with as little disruption to your business as possible. We share best practices, assess reports, help with tests, analyze shortages and assist with completion of attestation.
The Meaningful Use measures needed for attestation are integrated directly into eRAD RIS—from Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) and drug interactions to clinical summaries and Continuity of Care records. eRAD RIS is one of the few platforms with full ambulatory EHR certification for Meaningful Use. That means that you need only one system to meet Meaningful Use requirements. (Modular certification means that providers assemble features from different systems to meet the Meaningful Use requirements.) The eRAD platform provides a full solution—with support for Scheduling, Registration, Worklist, Image Viewing, Reporting and Record Management—such that no separate EHR purchase is necessary.
In 2015, physicians who do not meet the meaningful use Federal requirements will be faced with fee schedule reductions from 3 to 5 percent. You can be ready—in a way that makes business sense for your practice. eRAD RIS has the radiology Meaningful Use roadmap you need.