Capability Description of Capability Costs or Fees
Types of costs or fees that a user may be required to pay to purchase, license,
implement, maintain, upgrade, use, or otherwise enable and support the use of the implementation
or use of the capability -OR- in connection with the data generated in the course using the

EHR technology is certified to the 170.315.e.1 “view, download, and transmit to a
3rd party” certification criterion.
Direct Message is utilized to transfer the CCDA to the Patient Portal.

Patient Portal is required for this measure.

Annual fee of $600 per direct message address required for 170.315(e)(1),
170.315(b)(6), 170.315(b)(2), 170.315(b)(5) covers this.No customer incurs more than one $600 fee per direct address regardless of number of measures being
EHR technology is certified to 170.315(b)(6) for data export to create a set of export
summaries in real time based on a relative time and date.
Direct Message is utilized to transmit the export summaries to the receiving entity. Annual fee of $600 per direct message address required for 170.315(e)(1),
170.315(b)(6), 170.315(b)(2), 170.315(b)(5) covers this.No customer incurs more than one $600 fee per direct address regardless of number of measures being
EHR technology is certified to 170.315(b)(2) Clinical information reconciliation and
incorporation certification criteria and 170.315(b)(5) Common Clinical Data Set summary record and
receive certification criteria.
Direct Message is utilized to receive the export summaries. Annual fee of $600 per direct message address required for 170.315(e)(1),
170.315(b)(6), 170.315(b)(2), 170.315(b)(5) covers this.No customer incurs more than one $600 fee per direct address regardless of number of measures being
EHR technology is certified to the 170.315.e.1 “view, download, and transmit to a 3rd
party” certification criterion.
Patient Portal is required for this measure. No cost for basic Patient Portal to meet this measure.